Strengthening Women’s Participation in Conflict Prevention in South Sudan

This feature is a narration highlighting the crucial role of women in fostering peace. It encompasses success stories, participant testimonies, and the project’s impact on community development and policy change. Focusing on women’s empowerment and their influential role in conflict resolution, this feature provides a comprehensive overview of our peacebuilding initiative’s achievements, challenges, and the transformative journey of women leaders in Wau, South Sudan.

Read: Strengthening Women’s Participation in Conflict Prevention in South Sudan 2024

Implementing the Maputo Protocol Towards the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

Parallel Session at the Maputo Protocol @20 Anniversary, Nairobi – Kenya Dates: 11 July 2023

Women’s International Peace Centre in collaboration with Oxfam International convened a parallel session at the 20th anniversary commemoration of the ground-breaking AU Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol). The objectives of the event were twofold. First, the session provided a unique platform for civil society organisations (CSOs) to examine the progress, challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the Maputo Protocol, with a particular focus on Article 10 on the Right to Peace and Article 11 on the Protection of Women in Armed Conflict.

Secondly, the session underscored the importance of advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda within the SOAWR[1] coalition considering recent crises, such as the Sudan conflict which has vividly demonstrated how women comprise the highest proportion of marginalised individuals exposed to conflict-related sexual violence and various forms of gender-based violence. The session sought to shed light on these pressing issues, reiterating their critical nature and pushing for the inclusion of the WPS Agenda at the top tier of the SOAWR coalition’s agenda.

This report provides a summary of the perspectives and insights shared during the meeting, identifying common trends across Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan and at the regional level and highlights recommendations for collectively advancing women’s peace and security in Africa.

Download : WIPC_Report_Maputo Protocol20 Anniversary Event (1)

Leading Change; Young People’s Agency in Peace Building in Uganda

The Peace Centre is running a project Women Reclaiming Agency for Peace building in Uganda aimed at strengthening the knowledge and skills of women and youth to effectively participate in peace building processes.

This report documents the unique experiences, strategies and changes seen
by implementing the project.

Download the report: Leading Change; Young People’s Agency in Peace building in Uganda

Tracing Leadership Journeys of Alumnae of the Peace Centre’s Leadership Institute

The Women’s International Peace Centre runs its Feminist Leadership Institute targeting and training women and young women leaders from armed and post conflict settings as agents of social and political change. The Feminist Leadership
Institute runs training programmes that target women leaders, young women
activists and change agents across different professions and spheres of influence.
Between the years 1999-2021, the Institute training programmes broadly focused
on gender, human rights, and feminist peace and security.

This tracer study tracked leadership journeys of selected institute alumnae and documented their growth, involvement and impact on gender, peacebuilding and social, political and economic development of women in conflict and post conflict settings.

Download this study here: Tracing Leadership Journeys of Alumnae of the Peace Centres’s Leadership Institute– EN

Retracer les parcours des anciennes élèves de Peace Centre’s Leadership Institute

Women’s International Peace Centre gère son Institut de leadership féministe qui cible et forme des femmes et des jeunes femmes leaders dans des contextes armés et post-conflit en tant qu’agents du changement social et politique. Le Feminist Leadership
Institute organise des programmes de formation qui ciblent les femmes leaders, les jeunes militantes et les agents de changement dans différentes professions et sphères d’influence.
Entre 1999 et 2021, les programmes de formation de Feminist Leadership
Institute ont été largement axés sur le genre, les droits de l’homme et la paix et la sécurité que nous appelons féministes.

Cette étude de suivi s’est intéressée sur les parcours de leadership d’anciennes élèves sélectionnées de Feminist Leadership Institute et a documenté leur croissance, leur implication et leur impact sur le genre, la consolidation de la paix et le développement social, politique et économique des femmes dans les situations de conflit et d’après-conflit.

Télécharger: Retracer les parcours des anciennes élèves de Peace Centre’s Leadership Institute

Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Regional Policy Conference

This regional conference was organized as a collaboration between the Great Lakes Region of African members of the Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding (SVNP), under the auspices of the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars Africa Program.

The conference planning, organization and implementation was led by the Women’s International Peace Centre (The Peace Centre), the Centre d’Etudes pour l’Action Sociale (CEPAS), the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR-Rwanda) and the Centre for Conflict Management (CCM) of the University of Rwanda.

Download the Report here: Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Regional Policy Conference

Women’s Influence in Post Conflict Governance in South Sudan

The Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare (MGCSW) in collaboration with the Women’s International Peace Centre (The Peace Centre) conducted two training sessions on Women, Peace and Security. The training targeted Gender Focal Persons (GFPs) from Government institutions in South Sudan. Both sessions took place at Royal Palace Hotel, Juba, in South Sudan from August 10th – 15th 2019 and September 21st -25th 2020.

This training is part of The Peace Centre’s drive in enhancing capacities to promote development and peace, by monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in South Sudan.

This report highlights the discussions and key training areas: Women’s Influence in Post Conflict Governance in South Sudan 2020

Women Leading Change in Post Conflict Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan Evaluation Report

The Peace Centre has been implementing a project on “Women leading change in post-conflict governance in Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan” from February 2019 to October 2020. We conducted an end-line evaluation of the women leading change in post-conflict governance in the DRC and South Sudan program, with the intention of assessing the effectiveness of the program; track the changes that have emerged as a result of program implementation, and generate new lessons to inform future programming of the Peace Centre.

Read More “Women Leading Change in Post Conflict Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan Evaluation Report”

20 Years of Grassroots Women Building Peace

The Peace Centre hosted a 3-day exchange visit with 40 women peacebuilders from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan & Uganda, living as refugees in Uganda to reflect on the past 20 years of implementing the Women Peace and Security agenda.

Discussions during the visit focused on progress, challenges, and opportunities to advance implementation, in a way that addresses the priorities of displaced women. They also exchanged practical experiences, good practices and strategies to support the work of women mediator networks of Adjumani, Yumbe and Kotido.

This report documents the voices and impact stories of women, including young women, who are taking leadership in advancing the women peace and security agenda and contributed to COVID-19 in their communities.

20 Years of Grassroots Women Building Peace Report


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