How To Build Feminist Peace Using an Intersectional Perspective

We are excited to bring you the 3rd Edition of the Feminist Peace Series.

For this edition, we invited authors to work on how to build peace using an intersectional approach. Authors have written based on their personal and professional experience in building peace grounded in feminist peace understanding. Each article shares experience of how intersectionality operates in conflict and post conflict

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Accelerating Impact through Partnerships for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies

Women’s World 54 seeks to reflect on the strategies used and lessons learned in the implementation of the Just Future programme by civil society partners in Burundi, DRC and South Sudan.

In this edition, the partners report on progress in their advocacy initiatives,
using the knowledge and skills gained from the various interventions. They offer recommendations for the improvement of the Just Future programme and similar
coalitions as well as how the participation of their core constituencies can be enhanced by bringing attention to key areas for their growth and highlights from their regional advocacy efforts which allow them to influence peace and security discourse and practice at that level.

The experiences shared underscore several successful approaches that can be leveraged, scaled and replicated by like- minded entities, by adapting them to their own programmes to advance the Women, Peace and Security agenda.

Download : Women’s World 54_EN

Women’s World 54_FR

Accélérer l’impact grâce aux partenariats en faveur des sociétés pacifiques, justes et inclusives – Monde Des Femmes 54

Monde Des Femmes 54 propose des réflexions sur les approches utilisées et les leçons apprises dans la mise en œuvre du programme Just Future par les organisations de la société civile partenaires du Burundi, de la RDC et du Soudan du Sud.

Dans cet article, les partenaires reviennent des progrès réalisés dans leurs initiatives de plaidoyer, en se focalisent les connaissances et les compétences acquises grâce aux différentes interventions de terrain. De ce fait, les organisations de la société formulent des recommandations susceptibles de contribuer à l’amélioration du programme Just Future ainsi que sur la manière dont la participation des acteurs clés peut être renforcée en attirant l’attention sur les domaines clés de leur croissance et les points saillants de leurs efforts régionaux de plaidoyer qui leur permettent d’influencer le discours et les pratiques en matière de paix et de sécurité à ce niveau.

Les expériences ici partagées soulignent diverses approches réussies lesquelles peuvent être exploitées dans les pays ayant le même contexte, mais en les adaptant aux programmes spécifiques pour faire progresser l’agenda femmes, la paix et la sécurité.

Telecharger: Monde des Femmes 54

Promoting Peace, Security and Justice: Experiences and Lessons from Civil Society Organisations in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan

This 53rd edition of Women’s World highlights the experiences, good practices, and lessons learned by the Just Future civil society partners in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and South Sudan advancing inclusive peace, people-centred security, and access to justice.

From Burundi, we share the peacebuilding experience of L’association des Femmes Rapatriés du Burundi (AFRABU) a women-led non-governmental organisation focused on strengthening access to justice for women, youth, and vulnerable groups. The DRC write-up presents the experiences, achievements, challenges, and lessons learned in the role played by civil society organizations (CSOs) such as Reseau pour la Réforme du Secteur de Sécurité et Justice (RRSSJ) in the implementation of security sector reform processes. The article also proposes recommendations likely to mitigate the obstacles that undermine the effectiveness of the envisaged reforms. The work of SOS- Information Juridique Multisectorielle (SOS-IJM) and Dynamique Des Femmes Juristes (DFJ) in the implementation of legal clinics in North and South Kivu in the DRC offers key lessons on legal aid services for alternative dispute resolution in a complex conflict-affect context dealing with multiple challenges within the judicial system.

The experience of Eve Organisation for Women Development in South Sudan offers good practices to consider when working with the security sector, to address sexual and gender-based violence and conflict-related sexual violence of the South Sudan Law Society illuminates the critical role of civil society in advocating for transitional justice and their involvement in the implementation.

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Women and Elections in East Africa

Through this 52nd edition of Women’s World, women from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda share their thoughts and findings on the situation of women’s current and prospective participation in political and peace processes associated with elections. This Women’s World also challenges patriarchal norms and the practice of relegating women’s position and contributions to the private sphere, excluding them from deliberative dialogues in political and decision-making spaces across electoral processes.

We invite you to appreciate the perspectives and experiences of women as voters, candidates, political leaders, advocates for peaceful elections and key players in all electoral processes.

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Les femmes et les élections en Afrique de l’Est – Monde Des Femmes 52

À travers cette 52ème édition de Women’s World, des femmes du Burundi, de la République Démocratique du Congo et de l’Ouganda partagent leurs réflexions et expriment leurs points non seulement sur la situation de la participation dans le contexte du moment, mais également sur l’implication et la participation des femmes aux processus politiques et de paix associée aux élections. La réflexion de ces femmes expérimentées met en exergue sur les normes patriarcales et la pratique consistant à reléguer la position et les contributions des femmes à la sphère privée, en les excluant des dialogues délibératifs dans les espaces politiques et décisionnels à travers les processus électoraux.

Telecharger: Monde Des Femmes 52

La crise comme opportunité de changement transformateur – Feminist Peace Series, 2ème édition

Dans cette 2e édition de la Série Paix féministe, nous nous revenons sur la façon dont les femmes, les militantes féministes pour la paix ont réagis aux conséquences directes et indirectes de la COVID-19 et développons les implications pratiques et théoriques pour la paix féministe. Chacun des auteurs réfléchit sur les implications de la pandémie mondiale ancrée dans le local et le personnel – et encadré par leurs conceptions de la paix féministe. Dans cette mesure, cette collection ouvre de nouvelles possibilités épistémologiques, politiques et intellectuelles enrichissant les connaissances féministes.

Nous espérons que vous apprécierez la lecture de notre deuxième édition de la Série Féministe sur la paix.

Télécharger: Feminist Peace Series, 2ème édition

Crisis as an Opportunity for Transformative Change

In this 2nd edition of the Feminist Peace Series, we focus on how women and, in particular, feminist peace activists are responding to the direct and indirect consequences of COVID-19 and elaborate on the practical and theoretical implications for feminist peace. Each of the authors reflects on the implications of the global pandemic grounded in the local and personal – and framed by their conceptions of feminist peace. To that extent, this collection opens up new epistemological, political and intellectual possibilities enriching feminist knowledge.

We hope you enjoy reading our second edition of the Feminist Peace Series.

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Perspectives on Feminist Peace

This first edition of the Feminist Peace Series provides various understanding of Feminist Peace with perspectives from practitioners, partners and colleagues in the field of peace building. From all the contributions we can summarize Feminist Peace as that which takes into account the differential impact of conflict on women, girls and gender diverse people and profiles their voices, needs and perspective in all peacebuilding processes.

Tracing 20 Years of Feminist Peace: Women Peace Builders Reflect on the Journey of Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Burundi, DRC, Nepal, South Sudan and Uganda.

In this 51st edition of Women’s World, we hear from 7 women peacebuilders from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, South Sudan and Uganda- who are long-term partners of the Peace Centre and alumnae of the Feminist Leadership Institute. Through their journeys and deliberations, we look back at 20 years of agitating for women’s participation in conflict prevention, resolution and peace building; at our efforts to prevent, end and respond to conflict-related sexual violence; and to ensure gender-response relief and recovery through various means.


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