Women’s participation in decision-making in peacebuilding and post-conflict recovery processes in Uganda is markedly low, particularly at the local level. The Baseline assessment conducted in 2019 showed that women are not often involved in planning for conflicts, raids but find themselves suffering most in the conflict situations yet are still not involved in the key decision-making platforms for resolutions of these conflicts. Hence Women, Peace and Security issues are left out.
The Continental Early Warning System hosted within the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the governance thematic areas includes key indicators for election violence but these currently not gender-sensitive. The early warning handbook provides for mechanisms at the parish, sub-county, district and national level, without including specific measures for women’s participation. Additionally, most of these are non-functional and therefore unable to perform the needed early warning and response to ensure sustainable peace.
The monthly peace committee meetings provide a platform for women peace mediators to share their experience, accomplishments and strategize on the best approach for their community work and also stimulate a discussion on sustainable peace right from the community level and increase information on the current situation.