Medical Intervention Study of War Affected Gulu District.

Gulu District in Northern Uganda has been at the center of the Northern Uganda armed conflict that lasted more than 18yrs and saw more than 35,000 children abducted, 2 million people displaced into IDP camps and thousands killed. In July 2001 when the war was still ongoing, Isis-WICCE working with the medical professional team in Uganda undertook a short-term medical intervention in Awer internally displaced people’s camp. The study revealed that the population had suffered significant war traumatization including psychological, physical and sexual torture.

Women and Health

The articles in this issue of Women’s World are centred on the Exchange Programme theme: Women’s Health:- an integrated approach.  hence the reason why we did not concentrate on a particular health issue. The topics are diverse and try to make us all aware of how each health issue is in its own way related to the lives of women.
We hope that the articles in this issue will lead to a discussion in your environment, on how to relate the health of women not only to current research activities on Women’s Health, but also women’s daily activities. We hope that from the point of view of women, you will be able to say what we as women would like to see done, in order to ensure that our health is taken seriously globally and not as an afterthought.

Women’s world No 27


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