Centralizing Women’s Agency In Peace Building And Ending Conflict; The Burundi Crisis

Burundi conflict is one of the prominent intrastate conflicts threatening stability in the Great Lakes Region and characterized by high rates of civilian casualties and massive human rights violations. As women and girls who want to see peace and calm restored in Burundi, the Barundikazi who were passionately interacting on media but had not met physically sought space to interact, connect, bond and chart out their collective course of action. A consultative meeting brought together the women’s movement from the region (Rwanda, South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda) in solidarity with the Burundi women to strategize for their effective participation in the dialogue for restoration of peace and security in Burundi.

The Road to Power, Governance and Decision Making; Think Tank II

This report provides highlights of the consultative meeting that was held with South Sudanese women after the outbreak of the fresh conflict in South Sudan. The purpose of the meeting was to analyze the underlying triggers of the on-going conflict from a gender and feminist perspective; propose an alternative approach and solutions to the problem at hand; and provide insights and information on the impact of the on-going conflict on women and girls in South Sudan as well as identifying a team of women who will influence the peace negotiations  at the African Union.

Healthy Families for a Peaceful Community

The report presents the highlights of the 4th Peace Exposition held in Kotido district of the Karamoja sub-region. The Peace Expo is one of the national spaces created by Isis-WICCE to afford grassroots women the opportunity to meet their leaders and policymakers as they openly audit national and local post-conflict reconstruction plans as well as their effect on the affected communities.

The Abused Generation; My Child, My Agemate

The report documents Isis– WICCE’s annual Peace Exposition that was held in Kasese in 2011 that focused on ending child marriage in the district. It provided a space for different stakeholders to speak out strongly against the practice of marrying off young girls before the age of 18 that has for long existed in Kasese district. It is a practice that has cast a dark shadow over the future and lives of many young girls.

Peer Learning and Exchange Visit Between Acholi and Teso Sub Region

The exchange visits are part of Isis-WICCE’s Exchange Programme; a practical, experiential learning process, which opens eyes of adult learners to lives of other communities and of new possibilities; address apathy; enhance dialogues between communities and are a source of new energy and initiatives towards social change. Exchange visits break boundaries and create a new awareness to other realities. This report therefore documents the processes and strategies used on the exchange visit, level of outreach and impact and lessons learnt.


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