Strengthening Women’s Participation in Conflict Prevention in South Sudan

This feature is a narration highlighting the crucial role of women in fostering peace. It encompasses success stories, participant testimonies, and the project’s impact on community development and policy change. Focusing on women’s empowerment and their influential role in conflict resolution, this feature provides a comprehensive overview of our peacebuilding initiative’s achievements, challenges, and the transformative journey of women leaders in Wau, South Sudan.

Read: Strengthening Women’s Participation in Conflict Prevention in South Sudan 2024

Call For Expression Of Interest To Develop and Harmonise the Peacebuilding Training Manual

1.0 Background
General elections in Uganda have been characterized by political tensions and violence. Understanding the dynamics of electoral violence in Uganda and securing broad-based multi-political actor commitment, action, and collaboration around violence-free elections is critical to achieving the realization of key democratic principles, sustaining social and economic growth, and consolidating social cohesion to secure sustainable peace.  The Women’s International Peace Centre (The Peace Center) is implementing a USAID funded ‘Ugandans For Peace” Activity with the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (AIPG), Creations Forum Afrika (CAF), Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC), and Warrior Squad Foundation (WSF).

Consortium partners of the Ugandans For Peace Activity will be conducting a series of trainings on peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and mediation using various training tools. The partners have agreed to harmonize their training tools to develop one comprehensive manual for all involved parties.

2.0 Request for Expression of Interest

The Peace Centre is inviting eligible and qualified individuals/consultants to express their interest to harmonize the training tool that will support Ugandans For Peace Activity partners. The goal is to develop a comprehensive and uniform training manual that will serve as a guide for conducting trainings.

3.0 Purpose and Objectives of the Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to harmonize all the training manuals from partners and develop a comprehensive manual that will serve as a training tool for all partners to contribute to preventing conflict and building peace before, during, and after elections in Uganda.

3.1 The specific objectives include;
i. Ensuring consistency in content across all training materials.
ii. Standardizing formats and layouts for ease of use and understanding.
iii. Aligning training tools with the Ugandans For Peace Activity objectives.
iv. Incorporating feedback from partners to improve effectiveness.

4.0 Key Deliverables
i. An Inception report including a work plan, detailed methodology, report format, and timeline.
ii. A draft harmonized training manual and tools to be presented to the partners for their input.
iii. A final comprehensive training manual and tools incorporating comments from all the partners.

5.0 Required Qualifications, Skills, and Competencies
i. First Degree or Masters in the field of Conflict and Peacebuilding studies, gender and development, development studies, or any other relevant subject area
ii. Demonstrated knowledge of developing training manuals.
iii. Demonstrated experience and understanding on peacebuilding and conflict resolution, mediation in political and election-related processes.
iv. Proficiency in English language
v. Strong writing, communication and interpersonal skills
vi. Strong analytical skills

6.0 Application Process
Interested consultants are invited to submit their cover letter and CVs addressed to the Executive Director of the Women’s International Peace Centre. Applicants should include technical and financial proposals, along with the curriculum vitae (CV) of all team members, zipped in one folder. The proposal should outline the consultant’s approach to the assignment. Applicants should also explain how their professional experiences align with the required skills and qualifications. Expressions of Interest, clearly marked “Expression of Interest to Harmonize Peace Building Manuals under the Ugandans For Peace Activity.” can be submitted as a soft copy via email to Hard copies can be delivered to the address below by 17:00 local time on 8th July 2024 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Applications should be sent to:
The Executive Director
Women’s International Peace Centre
Plot 1467, Church Road, Bulindo, Kira, Wakiso
P. O. Box 4934, Kampala, Uganda

WellBeing in Feminist Activism

“Have you ever felt like you could take over the world and do it all? That surge of energy where you’re operating at what we might call ‘high voltage’. But how do we harness this energy without burning out? Discover the secrets to keeping your activism alive and your spirit ignited. Dive into simple, transformative strategies that ensure you thrive—not just survive—in our quest for change. Ready to light up the world without dimming your spark? Join us in exploring how.”

Celebration As Kotido District Launches Its Local Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.

In commemoration of International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8, Kotido District launched its Local Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security on 28 March 2024. The much anticipated day of celebration commenced with a parade match with  different members of the local community amounting up to 1500 people, 70% of which were women eagerly matching around the town 

Read More “Celebration As Kotido District Launches Its Local Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.”

Women Leaders Convening to Strategise Inclusion of 35% Quota in Political Party Constitutions and Regulations in South Sudan

During the Women’s Month of MARCH, South Sudanese, women leaders of political parties, civil society coalitions and media houses convened to dialogue on enshrining 35% Quota in the political party constitutions and regulations of their leadership statutes.

The two day meeting took place between the 27th and 28th March 2024, in Juba, the capital of South Sudan.

As a country South Sudan is preparing to hold its first elections since 2011, which are scheduled to be held in December 2024, it enacted the Nation Elections Act 2023 that allocated 35% representation to women.

There have been widespread speculations and doubt as to whether or not South Sudan will be able to hold free and fair elections. Alongside the sceptics, there is enthusiasm for sustainable peace.

One of the meeting objectives was to develop a robust advocacy document for 35% women's inclusion in party manifestos, ensuring sustainable peace and; inclusive governance raising important points such as resource mobilization is essential for women’s success in electoral processes and from grassroots
fundraising to government support.

Sessions included brainstorming innovative strategies to ensure financial backing for women candidates to compete effectively.
Now I pose these questions to you?
How can we strengthen coordination among women in leadership positions?
 Form alliances to advance women's interests
 Stand in solidarity & support one another
 Offer mentorship to women leaders
 Develop inclusive programs for women at all levels.

 Unite for national agendas

Civil Society Organizations Trained to Develop Shadow Report on DRC’s Adherence to UPR Recommendations


As the DRC prepares to report on its third phase of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, The Peace Centre, in collaboration with Cordaid and the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS), recently conducted training sessions for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across four provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The objective was to collect date data and prepare a CSO shadow report on the country’s adherence to previous Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendations.

The training covered four key themes, focusing on issues such as civil space, human rights protection, peace processes, assistance to internally displaced persons, and mechanisms of transitional justice. Over the course of the three-day workshops in Kinshasa, Goma, Bunia, and Bukavu, representatives from at least thirty organizations engaged in discussions and data collection related to these topics.

Through consultations and online sessions, the collected data was further analyzed and enriched by experts. An Adhoc Committee comprising five experts was then tasked with compiling the data into a comprehensive report to be submitted to the United Nations Council for Human Rights.


Rapport Alternatif EPU RDC_Mars 2024_Just Future RDCVF (1)

Training Local Leaders on GBV Prevention and Response in Amuria District

In Amuria District, Uganda, we conducted two-day training on Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response for 33 participants from 28th to 29th February.

Aimed at school teachers and local authorities, the training sought to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, prevent, and effectively respond to GBV cases within their communities and educational institutions

The training delved into understanding the various forms and impact of GBV, ranging from sexual harassment to corporal punishment and verbal abuse, which often plague the educational environment. Through interactive sessions and practical workshops, participants explored strategies for developing robust response mechanisms and policies, as well as fostering collaboration with parents and guardians to create safer and more inclusive spaces for children.

Attended by (25) schoolteachers, administrators, and a diverse array of local leaders, including government officials, religious and traditional leaders, health-care professionals, and community-based organizations’ representatives, the program served as a rallying point for collective action against GBV in Amuria District.

In a region where cultural norms, poverty, and a lack of awareness exacerbate the prevalence of GBV, initiatives like this training program are crucial steps towards safeguarding the rights and well-being of children. By aligning local policies with national and international standards on GBV prevention and response, Amuria District is forging a path towards a safer and more equitable future for its young generation.

Empowering Girls: Girls’ Power Camp in Amuria District, Uganda

The Peace Centre hosted a Girls’ Power Camp at Orungo Primary School in Amuria district, with over 300 girls aged 9-13 from 26th to 27th February. Over the course of several days, the camp provided a transformative experience for girls between primary 1 and primary 7, focusing on empowering them with knowledge, skills, and support.

The camp included sessions on essential topics such as menstrual hygiene, mental health, and puberty, aiming to enhance awareness and understanding among the girls. Through interactive activities and discussions, they learned about their bodies and minds, gaining confidence to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

A highlight of the camp was the emphasis on decision-making and life skills. Through scenario building and group exercises, the girls explored different choices and their potential outcomes, equipping them with valuable skills for navigating life’s challenges.

Another empowering aspect was the creation of personal action plans. Guided by mentors and peers, the girls set goals and outlined steps to achieve them, fostering a sense of purpose and agency among the participants.

The camp also addressed the girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs, emphasizing the importance of community support. Discussions highlighted the role of parents, teachers, and community leaders in providing guidance, support, and advocacy for girls’ rights and well-being.

As part of our commitment to girls’ empowerment, the Peace Centre distributed exercise books and pens and other scholastic materials to the girls at the end of the camp, contributing to their educational journey and basic needs.

Overall, the Girls Power Camp in Amuria proved to be a powerful catalyst for positive change, empowering young girls with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to thrive.



Moroto District Stakeholders Validate Local Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

The validation meeting, held on January 25th, 2024, brought together a diverse array of stakeholders to critically review and refine the LAP, marking a pivotal moment in the district’s journey towards sustainable peace and prosperity.

Attended by religious leaders, cultural representatives, civil society organizations, and key government officials, the validation meeting aimed to incorporate feedback from a broad spectrum of voices, ensuring that the LAP accurately reflected the aspirations and priorities of the Moroto community.

Central to the validation process was the refinement of the LAP’s goal and strategic objectives, which were tailored to address the specific challenges faced by women, youth, and vulnerable populations in Moroto District. The LAP’s strategic objectives were meticulously defined, emphasizing the district’s commitment to reducing livestock theft, cases of gender-based violence (GBV), conflict over natural resources, and enhancing food security at the household level by 2029.

Furthermore, stakeholders proposed strategic interventions aimed at strengthening peace initiatives, GBV systems, resource conflict prevention, and early warning mechanisms. These interventions were carefully crafted to align with the district’s priorities and resources, ensuring their feasibility and effectiveness in addressing key challenges.

The validation meeting also provided an opportunity for stakeholders to make valuable recommendations for enhancing the LAP’s impact and implementation. From mainstreaming messages on the dangers of livestock theft to advocating for compulsory formal education for all children, stakeholders underscored the importance of holistic approaches to peacebuilding and community development.

Looking ahead, the validated LAP will undergo further review by the District Technical Planning Committee (DTPC) and the District Executive Committee (DEC) before being presented to the District Council for final approval. Once adopted, the LAP will serve as a guiding framework for promoting gender equality, peace, and sustainable development in Moroto District.


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