Women and Peace Building in Africa Conference

The University of Wisconsin – Madison in partnership with African researchers, Isis Women’s International Cross Cultural Exchange (Isis-WICCE) and Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) conducted a research project that looks at the cost of women’s exclusion and the possibilities for their inclusion in peace processes, peacebuilding, and politics in countries affected by war in Africa. The research project also examined the struggle for women’s rights, legal reform and political representation as one important arena for stemming the tide of extremism related to violence in Africa.

Access to SRHR; Women with Disabilities at the Frontline

In 2017, Isis-WICCE partnered with National Union of Women with Disabilities Uganda (NUWODU) and Gulu Women with Disabilities Union (GUWODU) to implement a 1yr project on “Increasing Access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights for Women with Disabilities” with funding from Amplify Change. The project sought to strengthen the capacity of Women with Disabilities (WwDs) to advocate for improved SRH services and improve competencies of service providers to ensure quality services for WwDs in Gulu district.

Families United Against Gender Based Violence and HIV/AIDS in Amuria District

The report presents highlights of Isis-WICCE’s Seventh annual Peace Exposition held in Amuria district, Eastern Uganda under the theme “Families United Against Gender Based Violence and HIV/AIDS”. The 7th peace exposition brought community members, local government and civil society the opportunity to discuss HIV/AIDS and its links to gender-based violence while proposing solutions and committing to action for a peaceful Amuria.

Sheroes of Africa’s Political Movements

This documentation provides an opportunity to illuminate covert and overt voices and actions of women political actors that most times get silenced in patriarchal political settings. Two cases of women political leaders are selected from Uganda and Zimbabwe respectively, with a specific intent of learning from their historical experiences particularly of those who participated in liberation struggles of the two countries as well as a new breed of women leaders that emerged in post-conflict political leadership thereof.


Report of Consultation with Girls and Women Refugees in Adjumani.

UN Women in partnership with Isis-WICCE held consultations with girls and women refugees to feed into the review report. This report provides details of consultations held with girls and women refugees in Adjumani as a contribution to the review of the Uganda National Action Plan on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR1325)

Tracing Feminist Peace; From Beijing to MDGS and Beyond

Since 1996, Isis-WICCE had demonstrated an impressive alternative to the world’s limited responses to situations of armed conflict particularly in addressing women’s dire needs. We have had extensive experience and expertise working with women organizations, strategic partners and survivors of armed and post conflict, globally.

This paper therefore, summarizes Isis-WICCE’s contribution to the achievement of the key aspects of the Beijing Platform for Action. Working in post conflict settings has been a challenging and fulfilling experience too. It also provides recommendations that will contribute to the post 2015 sustainable development goals

Making UN Resolution 1325 A Reality For Women

The report presents the highlights of Isis-WICCE’s annual peace exposition that was held in 2010 to celebrate 10 years of the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution. The exposition provided time and an effective platform for grassroots women’s organizations working in the area of peace and security in Uganda to share successful strategies and to review the extent to which government has implemented the resolution and to call upon it to implement the National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and Goma Declaration.
It highlighted how various grassroots women’s activists and organizations have been able to interpret this international framework into one they are able to utilize in their communities. It also presented a valuable opportunity to share information, best practices, and successful strategies, and highlight the challenges and gaps that will inform the way forward in the implementation of the resolution as well as the National Action Plan.


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