Implementation of the South Sudan Revitalised Peace Agreement from a Gender Perspective

Women’s International Peace Centre with support from Forum for Women in Development (FOKUS) conducted a research study to examine the opportunities, constraints and extent to which women influence the peace process in South Sudan.

This research answers the following questions; i)What are the conflict trends, dynamics their significance for ongoing peace processes in South Sudan? To what extent do these advance the Women, Peace and Security agenda? ii)What is the level of participation and representation of women in the peace process in South Sudan? iii)What are the opportunities and constraints and to what extent do women influence the peace processes, such as seen in the national dialogue, the security sector reform, the constitutional reform and the transitional government in South Sudan;  iv)How can women and in particular  young women’s advocacy efforts be supported in ways that create new spaces for them to engage key decision makers at national, regional and international levels?


Transforming Power to Put Women at the Heart of Peacebuilding

This discussion paper brings together three regional essays commissioned to explore what needs to happen. What needs to happen to ‘transform power’ to women and communities most affected by crises and conflict so that they shape the decisions that affect their lives? What would a feminist peace and security agenda look like? The essays illustrate how transformative change rarely comes from within the system; rather, it often comes from outside: from disruption by protest, and from women’s, youth, local and grassroots movements.


Cost Benefit Analysis of Cash Transfer Programmes and Post Trauma Services for Economic Empowerment of Women in Uganda

In 2015 Isis-WICCE partnered with Tilburg University, Mbarara University and Makerere University to conduct research with the aim of identifying the impact of social protection schemes, such as cash transfers on economic resilience in order to influence policy. The research is focused on populations with high levels of income fragility and trauma, seeking to understand the impact of trauma on their use of cash transfers. Women are a specific focus of this study due to their particular economic and mental health vulnerabilities. This study targeted districts affected by the 20-year war between the Lord’s Resistance Army and the Ugandan government in Northern Uganda including Kitgum, Lira, Soroti and Katakwi.

Making A Difference Beyond Numbers; Towards Women’s Substantive Engagement in Political Leadership in Uganda

The report interrogates whether women in politics have made a difference or not and why? It acknowledges the value and contribution of women’s physical presence in political leadership especially their focus on gender sensitive policy and legislation. It questions efforts on ‘engendering’ democracy through numerical inclusion of women into existing democratic structures and formal political institutions without addressing the structural complexities that inhibit the performance of women.

Making Gender-Just Remedy and Reparations Possible: Upholding The Rights Of Women And Girls In The Greater North Of Uganda.

The research documents and analyses how war crimes have continued to affect the lives of female victims, their families and communities. It also provides an understanding of reparations based on the experiences and perspectives of women, girls their families and communities who suffered the serious crimes during the armed conflict between the GoU and the LRA in the Greater North of Uganda. The report in grounded on empirical data from in-depth interviews with over 640 victims of serious crimes and their families from the sub-regions of Acholi, Lango, Teso and West Nile in the Greater North of Uganda.

Towards An Anti-Sexual And Gender Based Violence Norm In The Great Lakes Region Of Africa: A Review of the Implementation of the 2011 ICGLR Kampala Declaration

The report discusses the progress made by each country under the three priority areas of SGBV prevention, punishment and protection as well as support and compensation for survivors. It also reflects country specific challenges and recommendations. The key finding is that majority of the governments in the ICGLR have made great strides to fulfill the commitments to prevent SGBV, punish perpetrators and support survivors. However, rehabilitation of SGBV perpetrators has not been prioritize neither is it included in the framework and national level implementation

Kashmir Women; The Burden of Conflict, Half Widowhood and its Psychological Effects.

Isis-WICCE in partnership with Jamme/Kashmir Association carried out a study on the ‘impact of armed conflict on the Health of half widows in Kashmir- India’. The study explored the mental, social and physical impact of violence on the health of the half widows, mothers and sisters whose husbands and male relatives had gone missing due to the conflict. Forty-five women were randomly selected from the three districts of Srinagar, Baramulla and Kupwara of Kashmir valley, comprising of half widows (whose husbands are missing in custody), mothers of disappeared persons (whose sons are missing in custody), sisters (whose brothers are missing in custody) and daughters of the missing persons. Key findings show that half widows have become targets of sexual violence from those viewing them as defenseless.

Pushed to the Periphery; The Necessity of Women’s Innovation in Activating Post Conflict Reconstruction

This report provides an analysis of the extent to which post conflict reconstruction efforts in Burundi, Liberia and Sierra Leone have implemented national commitments for women’s participation in conflict management, post conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation processes, as provided for in UNSCR 1325. Based on semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with women’s activists, the research considered diverse expressions of femininity that speak to notions of “peace” in terms of local women’s groups contribution to bringing peace in all 3 countries, their experiences and knowledge were not taken into account in the post conflict phase neither were they considered key actors that could contribute effectively to post conflict reconstruction.

Child Marriage and its Impact on Development; A Case of Kasese District

Child marriage has continued to be one of the major factors affecting the achievement of development indices and targets in Uganda. This report presents the findings of the study on “Child Marriage and its impact on Development” which was carried out in Kasese district (Western Uganda) in two counties; Busongora North.

The study provides the needed information on the problem of child marriage and its socio economic impact on the society. It directly shows that young children should instead be nurtured for development programmes and progress of society.  Involving the child mothers and fathers at every stage of development calls for looking at the issue of child marriage with holistic lenses; especially ensuring that victims and survivors get self esteem, and are provided with means to enhance their well being. It is therefore a loud reminder to policy makers, parents, cultural leaders, religious leaders and the whole community to be part of the great strides Isis-WICCE is taking to end child marriage and restore self worth in the affected that have lost hope in the future. An abused generation cannot contribute to future progress.


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